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Friday, 6 November 2009 09:36

Commission to provide €200 million for nearly 200 new LIFE+ projects

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The European Commission has approved funding for 196 new projects under the second call for the LIFE+ programme (2007-2013), the European fund for the environment. The projects are from across the EU and cover actions in the fields of nature conservation, environmental policy, and information and communication. Overall, they represent a total investment of €431 million, of which the EU will provide €207.5 million.

Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said: "I am convinced that these projects will make a significant contribution to nature conservation and to improving the environment. They will also help raise awareness across the EU of the key environmental challenges facing us, notably climate change and the loss of biodiversity."

Following the call for proposals, which closed in November 2008, the Commission received more than 600 proposals from public or private bodies from the 27 EU Member States. Of these, 196 were selected for co-funding through the programme's three components: LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance and LIFE+ Information and Communication.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects improve the conservation status of endangered species and habitats . Of the 227 proposals received, the Commission selected for funding 80 projects from partnerships of conservation bodies, government authorities and other parties. Situated in 22 Member States, they represent a total investment of €199 million, of which the EU will provide some €107 million. The majority (74) are Nature projects, contributing to the implementation of the Birds and/or Habitats Directivesand the Natura 2000 network. The other six are Biodiversity projects, a LIFE+ project category for pilot schemes that tackle wider biodiversity issues.

LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance projects are pilot projects that contribute to the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods and instruments. Of the 288 proposals received, the Commission selected for funding 99 projects from a wide range of public and private sector organisations. The winning projects, situated in 19 Member States, represent a total investment of €211 million of which the EU will provide some €90 million. Projects targeting waste and natural resources (28 projects) account for the largest share of EU funding (some €26 million). Climate change is the second most targeted priority area with 24 projects (some €25 million), followed by water (17 projects). The remaining 30 projects cover various topics including air, chemicals, environment and health, forests, innovation, noise, soil, strategic approaches, and the urban environment.

LIFE+ Information and Communication projects disseminate information and raise the profile of environmental issues, and provide training and awareness-raising for the prevention of forest fires . Of the 98 proposals received, the Commission selected for funding 17 projects from a range of public and private sector nature and/or environment organisations. The projects are situated in 12 Member States and represent a total investment of €21 million of which the EU will provide some €10 million.

The LIFE+ programme

LIFE+ is the European financial instrument for the environment and has a total budget of €2.143 billion (two billion one hundred and forty three million euros) for the period 2007-2013. During this period, the Commission will launch one call for LIFE+ project proposals per year.

More information

See the annex for a summary of all the new projects funded under LIFE+, broken down by country.

For more detail on each of the new Nature & Biodiversity projects see: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/publications/lifepublications/compilations/documents/natcompilation08.pdf

For more detail on each of the new Environment Policy & Governance projects see


For more detail on each of the new Information & Communication projects see:


For all information on LIFE+ see http://ec.europa.eu/life%0D

It is also possible to contact the relevant national authorities:



Overview of 2008 LIFE+ projects by country

AUSTRIA - (three projects - €6 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (one project - total budget: €0.7 million)

RENEW BUILDING (GrAT - Gruppe Angepasste Technologie)

The overall project objective is to reduce CO 2 emissions caused by the construction industry, one of the most resource intensive sectors. The project will focus on improving the environmental impact of the renovation sector by 1) promoting knowledge transfer of construction methods that use renewable resources and natural materials; 2) gaining practical knowledge from demonstration sites; and 3) involving stakeholders across the building sector.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (two projects - €5.3 million)

LIFE+ Gail

The project aims to demonstrate possible ways to reach a balance between ecological improvements and compliance with the guidelines of water management. It has three specific objectives: 1) restoration of the highly regulated river bed, in order to increase space for natural near river development and to initiate morphological processes, as well as to enable the establishment of river specific habitats; 2) retention of flood protection for the surrounding villages by maintaining existing dykes and qualitative and quantitative melioration of floodplain habitats and water habitats in surrounding areas; 3) Conversion of intensively used arable land into floodplain forest and marsh areas into buffer zones for water habitats.


The overall objective of this project is to restore, maintain and improve the characteristic river landscape of the Upper Mur, as a prerequisite for maintaining rare and endangered species listed in the Habitats Directive. The project will restore 3.2 km of the river by partially removing bank-reinforcement structures. This will facilitate dynamic processes, such as development of gravel banks and bank erosion. The project will also promote 17.7 ha of alluvial forests, providing new habitats for typical riverine plant and animal species, and will create artificial ponds (13 000m²) for amphibians such as the yellow-bellied toad.

BELGIUM (eight projects - €19.9 million )

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (3 projects - 5.2 million)


The objective of this project is to demonstrate the benefits that can be obtained in terms of maximising energy efficiency of biogas valorisation systems. The project will install a pilot system integrating a gas turbine and an organic vapour turbine. The integration of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) allows the valorisation of formerly wasted heat generated by a gas turbine system.

WEISS (Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij)

The aim of the project is to construct an innovative Water Emissions Inventory Planning Support System (WEISS), to support competent authorities across Europe as they implement the EU Water Framework Directive. The WEISS tool will generate a transparent inventory of all significant emissions and discharges into, and losses of, water bodies caused by human actions.

LVM-BIOcells (Limburgse Vinyl)

The project's objective is to demonstrate the applicability of an innovative, cost-efficient and energy-efficient remediation technique for groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) in areas where groundwater velocity is very slow because of low hydraulic gradients.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (four projects - €12.9 million)


The project aims to restore some 230 ha of peaty and wetland habitats in the Lomme river basin through cutting spruce pine plantations, clearing vegetation, and restoring appropriate water levels by blocking drainage ditches and building a series of small dikes.

Life Abeek

The aim of this project is the large-scale restoration of the habitats in the Abeek valley. Specifically, this includes the restoration of the complex ground and of semi-dry, poor sandy soil habitats. It also aims to increase the breeding population of several birds listed in the EU Habitats Directive.

Triple E Pond area M-L

The objectives of this project include to restore and conserve habitats and species of community importance in the Natura 2000 sites of ‘Vijvergebied Midden-Limburg'. This will be done by securing the ongoing participation of a group of private landowners and by establishing a close collaboration between all the stakeholders involved in the management of the area. The project also aims to establish a sustainable basis for the conservation of the targeted species and habitats in the long term by enhancing synergies between ecology, education and the local economy (the 'triple E'-approach)

Life Visbeek

This project's target is to restore large-scale habitats in the Visbeek valley, with the aim of securing a significant extension and improvement of the quality of its Molinia-meadows, heathland habitats, fen complexes and oligotrophic waters and alluvial forests. Site management will be through sustainable grazing and mechanical cutting, with the involvement of teams of local volunteers.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (two projects - €1.8 million)

ASK about Climate Change (GreenFacts ASBL)

The project's objective is to trigger actions and behaviour changes that will help to tackle climate change by making reliable international documents on climate change available to young people (15-19 years old) in a reader-friendly way. This will help youngsters grasp the complex linkages between climate change and human use of resources (water, energy, agriculture, forests) at a stage in their life where they start to build their own perception of the world.

InvHorti (Faculté Universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux)

The overall objective of the InvHorti project is to reduce the introduction of invasive plants by raising awareness about the environmental risks among the whole ornamental horticulture supply chain in Belgium, from growers to gardeners. The project aims to promote best practices for preventing the release and spread of invasive alien species into the environment and, ultimately, through adherence to a Belgian voluntary code of conduct on invasive alien species and horticulture.

BULGARIA (five projects - €6.6 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (one project - €1.8 million)


This LIFE project seeks to demonstrate effective separation, collection, treatment and recycling of WEEE in Bulgaria. It will introduce a comprehensive and integrated system of WEEE management in a selected municipality. The approach will be based on: improved systems for the separate collection of waste streams; and modern recycling technologies. The project will select, purchase and install a specific waste-treatment facility for WEEE in the chosen municipality.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity - (four projects - €4.8 million)


The project aims to secure the long-term conservation of five bird species included in Annex I of the Birds Directive and the sustainable management of their wetland habitats in the Natura 2000 network sites (SPAs) around the Bulgarian city of Bourgas. This will be done by developing or updating specific National Action Plans for each target species and by incorporating appropriate prescriptions for priority species into SPA management plans. Other project actions will include the repair of dyke systems, deepening of target lagoons, cutting of reeds, and creation of roosting sites that will maintain and restore the birds' habitats.


This project aims to restore the populations of the three large vulture species in Bulgaria through conservation measures that include: reintroducing the griffon vulture into the Balkan Mountains and creating of favourable breeding conditions for the griffon, black and bearded vultures. Moreover, the project aims to create positive attitudes towards vultures through the promotion of ecotourism and nature-friendly agriculture and create capacity for pre- and post-reintroduction protection of the griffon vulture at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Stara Zagora.


The objective of this LIFE Nature project is halting the loss and promoting the conservation of plant biodiversity in Bulgaria, with a particular focus on plant species that are unique to Bulgaria or are of special European and national conservation importance. To work towards this ultimate aim, the project seeks to test the concept of Plant Micro-Reserves in Bulgaria. It will designate a network of Small Protected Sites targeting the 47 plant species in need of urgent conservation actions and with strongly fragmented populations falling outside existing protected areas in the country.

Riparian Habitats in BG

The project goal is to improve the conservation status of 10 Sites of Community Importance included in the Natura 2000 network and managed by the State Forestry Agency through conservation and restoration of riparian and wetland habitats in forests. It specifically plans to restore or preserve 21 000 ha of riparian forest or associated habitats and 13 targeted plant species. A major strand of work will be to limit human and vehicle interference on the targeted sites through the construction of new infrastructure to control their movements. This will take the form of fences, bridges and targeted tourist facilities, including rest spots and information boards over an area of 240.6 ha. Waste will be removed from some 100 ha. Additionally, existing intensive forestry practices will be used for the specific objective of restoring targeted natural riparian habitats. On four of the project sites, in situ restoration of the 13 targeted plant species will also be implemented.

CYPRUS (five projects - €6.1 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (four projects - €4.6 million)

INTER-WASTE (Cyprus University of Technology)

The project will demonstrate a sustainable conversion technology for energy generation, and sustainable processes for waste and wastewater handling. This will be done through the construction of an innovative integrated system based on anaerobic processes that can be used to treat urban wastewater, as well as other bulk organic wastes (BOW. i.e. household organic waste, agricultural waste and manure).

MARITIMECO2 (Department of Merchant Shipping)

This project will assess the environmental, social and financial impacts that are likely to arise from the adoption of a carbon dioxide allowance trading scheme for the shipping industry, taking the countries of Cyprus, Greece and Denmark as representative of the three different country 'types' found in the EU, in shipping terms.

WINEC (University of Cyprus)

This LIFE project will identify the environmental impacts associated with wine production, and will set up and environmental management system (EMS) for the Tsiakkas Winery in western Cyprus.

WATER (Environment Service - Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment)

The project aims to strengthen the scientific foundation of water management programmes by demonstrating an innovative set of methods and tools that will define the environmental conditions (with measurable indicators) that are required to ensure good ecological status of water bodies within the Kalo Horio catchment area.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (one project - €1.6 million)


This project will address the threatened conservation status of the priority plant species and habitat types by establishing and managing a network of five plant micro-reserves (PMRs). The PMR concept envisages the conservation of small land plots of great value in terms of plant richness, endemism and rarity. The project will focus on the detailed monitoring and effective conservation of a significant part of the population of the species in question in Cyprus (20-85 % for most species).

CZECH REPUBLIC (one project - €0.8 million)

LIFE+ Information and Communication

INFOMS (Moravskoslezský kraj)

The general project objective is to enhance development of effective communication as well as to support targeted dissemination of information, both to be used as a means of solving selected problems related to nature conservation and landscape protection in NUTS II Moravia-Silesia. The beneficiary expects that the information campaign will eliminate the conflicts with landowners and local communities observed during Natura 2000 implementation.

DENMARK (four projects - €6.8 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (one project - €1.2 million)

CleEn - 21 (Confederation of Danish Industries)

This LIFE project aims to support wider implementation of sustainable consumption and production tools and methodologies in Danish industries. The overall objective of this project is to ensure that Danish enterprises - and especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) - expand their voluntary environmental efforts in accordance with the European Sustainable Development Strategy and the IPP approach.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (three projects - €5.6 million)


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the favourable conservation status of areas of active raised bog in Denmark. The project will concentrate on a site with the largest active raised bog area in eastern Denmark, in the southern part of the island of Zealand. The project will carry out restoration works to ensure the development of the main part of Holmegårds Mose into active raised bogs with a favourable conservation status. As a secondary objective, the project will carry out restoration works to ensure favourable conservation status for alkaline fens, degraded raised bogs still capable of natural regeneration, and calcareous fens.


The project will follow on from the 2004-2008 LIFE project and continue with the restoration and conservation of dry grassland in Denmark, in new locations using the experience obtained in the previous grassland project, supplemented with other methods. The main objective is to improve the conservation status and increase the dry grassland areas of: 1) semi-natural dry grassland and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates; and 2) species-rich Nardus grassland on silicious substrates. Furthermore the project aims to evaluate the feasibility of different methods or combinations of these methods in controlling the invasive alien species Rosa rugosa .


For this project a site has been chosen where four of the five habitats that are present are considered nationally to be in danger of deterioration. The site has the potential to develop into a continuum of Annex I habitat types and habitats for Annex II species that are rarely seen in Denmark. The project site is situated at the Helnæs peninsular of Funen. It comprises a former marine bay, now drained for agricultural purposes, but partly restored with some salt meadows, fens, dry grasslands and meadows, and a hilly terrain, Bobakkerne, with dry grasslands and salt meadows. Work at this site will contribute to an overall objective of restoring and maintaining at a favourable conservation status Danish areas of semi-natural habitats, which are presently evaluated as being a priority for nature restoration efforts.

ESTONIA (three projects - €3 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (one project - €1.6 million)

BIOTAGENE (Tallinn University of Technology)

The overall objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate a novel approach to environmental monitoring, based on metagenomic data and using modern biotechnology and IT technologies.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (one project - €1.1 million)


The overall objective of the project is to secure the small and isolated populations of yellow-spotted whiteface toad and common spadefoot toad in the northern part of their distribution range in Estonia and Denmark and draw up conservation measures for successful population management of these species, applicable for a wider national and European scale, ensuring their long-term viability.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (one project - €0.3 million)

FFPE (Private Forest Center -SA Erametsakeskus)

The overall aim of the project is to raise awareness about forest fire protection and provide training in the field, both to enhance the situation at a national level (with international expert support) and to serve as an example for other EU regions.

FINLAND - (three projects - €10.6 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (2 projects - €3.9 million)

CATERMASS (Suomen ympäristökeskus)

This project aims to develop climate change adaptation tools for the Finnish river basin districts to mitigate the impacts of increased leaching of acidity and metals from acid sulphate soils drained for agriculture and forestry.

PesticideLife (MTT Agrifood Research)

The project seeks to construct and test an integrated pest management (IPM) model, including new technologies for field monitoring, and to discuss different options for ecological risk mitigation of plant protection products, which will form the central elements of the National Action Plan (NAP).

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (one project - €6.7 million)

Boreal Peatland Life ( Metsähallitus)

Boreal Peatland Life aims to improve the habitat quality of 54 Natura 2000 sites in the unique Finnish peatland network. The project will concentrate on the restoration of priority habitats, including three of the most threatened priority habitat types: aapa mires, bog woodlands and active raised bogs.

FRANCE (13 projects - €33 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (eight projects - €20.9 million)

CISDP (Fédération des Entreprises de Propreté et Services Associés)

This LIFE project aims to develop a self-diagnosis software for cleaning companies in order to: improve the conservation of natural resources; reduce water consumption and pollution; reduce waste production while improving waste recycling; and involve and train employees in sustainable development issues.

PhotoPaq (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

This LIFE Environment project aims to demonstrate the usefulness of photocatalytic materials for air pollution reduction in the urban environment. It hopes to increase the acceptance and take-up of technologies that are already available and to contribute to implementation of the EU air quality strategy and open the possibility of tougher policy restrictions.

IMCM (Entente interdépartementale de démoustication du littoral méditerranéen)

Mosquito-control tools need to prevent the emergence of resistance phenomenon and control the polluting effects of biocides. This LIFE Environment project aims to provide effective and environmentally sound control and decision-making tools to public bodies tackling mosquitoes.

ROMAIR (ARIA Technologies)

Through this project, the French beneficiary aims to provide a comprehensive air-quality modelling and forecasting system that will enable the Romanian authorities to actively fight air pollution. It will thus serve to improve public health and quality of life, and limit the impact of climate change.

MINIWASTE (Communauté d'Agglomération Rennes Métropole)

This project aims to demonstrate, in accordance with the new Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC, that it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of organic waste from households in a manageable and sustainable way. It will do this by engaging households in limiting food waste and favouring the practice of collective or individual composting of food and green waste in three partner urban areas.

PYROBIO (FINAXO Environnement)

Current processes of elimination or treatment of the sewage sludge are no longer adequate to deal with its constantly increasing volume. To this end, FINAXO has developed a process for heat treatment and energy recovery of organic waste by pyrogasification.

OVADE-Plus (Syndicat Mixte de traitement des déchets)

This LIFE project sets out to demonstrate a prototype system for the sorting of waste that can lead to the recycling of nearly 60% of all household waste. By sorting non-separated waste, it aims to minimise the amount sent to landfill and maximise the amount that can be reused.

EUROCOPTER (Aéroport Marseille-Provence)

This project seeks to reduce the environmental impact of the end product in the helicopter industry. It aims to develop a Product Oriented Environmental Management System (POEMS) as a tool for specific products and manufacturing processes that will be provided to SMEs so that they can orientate choice towards "green" substitution processes.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (five projects - €12.1 million)

Rohrschollen Island

The project aims to restore the alluvial forests on Rohrschollen Island near Strasbourg by building a water intake from the Rhine that will re-establish dynamic flooding. This will also re-establish functional exchanges between the river and the aquifer and restore the ecological connections between the island and the Rhine. The project will contribute to the wider aim of restoring and perpetuating Europe's remarkable gallery forest habitats along the four main rivers flowing from the Alps.

Life Chiro Med

This LIFE Nature project aims to improve the conservation status of both the greater horseshoe bat and Geoffroy's bat populations in the Camargue region of France. It will safeguard at least eight nursery colonies and hibernation roosts, through physical and/or regulatory protection. It will create a network of nursery roosts by fitting out 15 additional unoccupied buildings, and will improve their food supply by introducing appropriate managing of their foraging areas and creating 20 km of wooded corridors to improve access.


This project will focus on maintaining favourable habitats and re-establishing the tranquillity necessary for the survival and development of the target capercaillie species, which is seriously declining in the Vosges. This will involve introducing appropriate forest management and setting up extensive areas of natural decay and of quiet zones, as well as raising the awareness of tourists and the general public.

Life+ Tortue d'Hermann

The project aims to maintain and where possible increase the populations of the Hermann's tortoise in Var, southern France, through improved management and protection practices. This will involve opening large areas of habitats, restoring the herbaceous layer, optimising interfaces between closed and open areas, creating water spots, as well as developing conventions with landowners, shepherds and other stakeholders.


URBANBEES is a demonstration project on the conservation of wild bees in the greater urban community of Lyon, France. The project will develop an action plan to conserve and enhance wild bee diversity in urban habitats. This plan will be predominantly based on specific nesting devices and appropriate management methods in parks and recreation areas.

GERMANY (18 projects - €66.7 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (five projects - €29.5 million)

REECH-500 (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.)

The REECH-500 project brings together the latest developments in different technologies designed to overcome the obstacles that originate from using strong winds at high altitudes (500 m) for energy generation. The new system uses a environmentally and economically sound approach by connecting several automatically steered kites via cable to a monorail system mounted on masts.

MAFPlan (Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Amt für Umweltschutz)

It is the overall goal of the project to develop and implement an optimal strategy for integral groundwater investigation and efficient remediation of the key inputs of pollution. A municipal groundwater management plan will be drawn up to further substantiate the framework of recommendations given by the guidance document of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

Sus Treat (Stadtentwässerung - Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Koblenz)

The project will provide a large-scale demonstration of a new approach in sludge treatment that uses the energy potentials from wastewater and sludge in communal wastewater treatment plants. It will implement the first complete energy self-sufficient sludge treatment system and will treat 85% of the total amount of sludge without additional energy consumption.

SUBSPORT (Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Kooperationsstelle Hamburg)

The goal of the project is to develop a web portal that will be a state-of-the-art resource on safer alternatives to the use of hazardous chemicals. It will provide information on alternative substances and technologies, as well as tools and guidance for substance evaluation and substitution management.

EcoBrick (Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management at the Private University of Witten/Herdecke GmbH)

The primary objective of the project is to implement, test and verify a combined process of sand-limestone brick manufacturing and sewage sludge treatment, which will result in reduced energy consumption and zero waste production. Housebricks containing sewage sludge will be the outcome.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (11 projects - €33.1 million)

Nebenrinne Bislich-Vahnum

The main project objectives focus on improving the NATURA 2000 sites ‘NSG Rheinaue Bislich-Vahnum, nur Teilfläche' and ‘Rheinfischschutzzonen zwischen Emmerich und Bad Honnef'. These improvements include the re-establishment of near natural and dynamic river flow systems, as well as associated floodplain structures. A secondary channel will be re-opened to the river Rhine and other habitat works will target restoration of natural river depths, bank structures, currents, sediments and sediment dynamics. Measures will be introduced to mitigate against habitat damage from waves caused by passing ships and efforts will be invested to safeguard appropriate hydrological functions such as groundwater tables, flooding-parameters and currents. Natural features will be extended to improve habitats for breeding or resident waders and other birds including arctic geese, swans and meadow species.

Life+ Möhneaue

This project aims to restore the indigenous woods of the Möhne valley and its floodplain. This will improve the status of a number of floodplain habitats listed in the Habitats Directive, including the priority habitat (Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior ). The works should also aid the conservation status of species such as the brook lamprey ( Lampetra planeri ), bullhead ( Cottus gobius ), kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis ) and black stork ( Ciconia nigra - a species dependent on structurally diverse floodplains as a feeding habitat).

Life Projekt "Lippeaue"

The overall project objective is to preserve and enhance the conservation status in four sub-areas of the Lippe floodplain between Hangfort and Hamm (SCI) - areas where, as yet, no ecological modifications have been carried out. The project will aim to improve the connection between the river and its floodplain in order to support the development of typical alluvial and river habitats.

Obermain ( The Bavarian environment ministry - Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz)

The project's overall objective is to ensure that the Upper Main valley remains an important corridor for water and wetland habitats and their characteristic species. Such a goal will contribute to the Natura 2000 network and will be achieved by wetland habitat work that targets 40 breeding and 26 migratory bird species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive.

In addition, the project will also support habitats for species listed in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive. Further activities will help protect, improve and integrate water and floodplain habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. Particular attention will be paid to standing vegetated water bodies, water courses and rivers with vegetation or mud banks; alluvial and riparian forests; lowland hay meadows; and hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities. Outcomes of these conservation actions will lead to improved and enlarged water and wetland habitats.


The main aim of this project is to improve the conservation status of green club-tailed dragonfly populations in Bavaria, via a co-ordinated set of habitat improvements in local watercourses.

Kalkmoore Brandenburgs

This project aims to stop the rapid loss of "base-rich to alkaline fens" (brown moss fens) in the German federal state of Brandenburg and contribute to the restoration, development and improvement of near-natural lowland-brown moss fens. Alkaline fens appear in all 14 project sites, covering two SPAs and 12 SCIs.

Wetterauer Hutungen

This project's core objective focuses on safeguarding the long-term conservation, development and restoration of species-rich heath, grassland and rock habitats in the Wetterauer Trockeninsel area. Project actions will cover six grasslands habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. All of these habitats depend on extensive land use practices, especially sheep grazing and mowing.


The main aim of the project is to create reproduction pond sites for the amphibians P elobates fuscus, Bufo calamita, Hyla arborea, Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae on extensively used meadows and pastures. The ponds will also help support other endangered species, including amphibians ( Triturus cristatus, Bombina variegata ), dragonflies, water beetles and hydrophilic plant species. Habitat management interventions will take place in 15 locations, seven of which are in NATURA 2000 sites.


The project's main objectives include: lengthening and widening some 4 km of the river course at Einen; facilitating natural river flow dynamics in general; strengthening existing and developing new flood plain areas; creating uninterrupted passages for fauna; and demonstrating best practice in these types of conservation actions.


The project aims to carry out rewetting and water management measures to improve the conservation status of the mires and forests within the project area. The main actions will focus on the blocking of ditches (to re-wet the mires), and redirecting surface run-off into neighbouring forest stands. In addition, the removal of spruce from the humid and moist sites should benefit the old growth oaks.

Elbauen bei Vockerode

The Elbe by Vockerode project will establish a favourable conservation status of the unique riverine landscape and will result in the improvement and long-term safeguarding of this middle Elbe site. The project will connect the natural conservation functions inherent in riparian dynamics and floodplain development with aspects of flood protection. The main objective of the project will be to enable natural succession dynamics of the entire area and to ensure a unique floodplain landscape and a favourable water status. The dyke relocation will result in extra retention areas, and the preventative values of natural ecological flood protection will be enhanced.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (two projects - €4.1 million)

European Business and Biodiversity Campaign (Global Nature Fund)

This project aims to improve awareness and understanding among corporate decision-makers about impacts of business operations and about business opportunities in relation to biodiversity conservation. It will do this by promoting biodiversity partnerships between business, NGOs and other stakeholders and providing information about existing Business and Biodiversity Initiatives such as the EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative/Technical Platform, IUCN Countdown 2010, Germany's Business and Biodiversity Initiative and other national and regional initiatives. The project will refine the global challenge of loss of biodiversity to the local level, and motivate and support concrete action by SMEs at local and regional level. It will assist business to adapt to key legislation such as the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Natura 2000 network.

Netze des Lebens (BUND - Friends of the Earth Germany)

The project will raise awareness and increase the acceptance of the necessity of connecting forest ecosystems, thereby creating corridors for migratory species, such as the wild cat. The wild cat is an indicator of biodiversity related to forests. It appeals to the public and is ideal for communication purposes. The creation of corridors for this flagship species will be an important contribution to the protection and increase of forest biodiversity.

The communication campaign will address local authorities and politicians, who are obliged by law to implement the linking of biotopes. The main focus of the communication campaign will be the German and Austrian parts of the Thayatal Park. European and international decision makers will also be targeted.

GREECE (15 projects - €21.9 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (11 projects - €16.4 million)

HydroSense (The Goulandris Natural History Museum)

This project aims to improve the water, fertiliser and pesticide-use efficiency of a major Mediterranean agricultural crop (cotton) by employing site-specific management and advanced technologies in proximal remote sensing, such as the employment of advanced canopy sensors. The project will also produce data and tools to evaluate its economic effectiveness, and its potential for scaling-up to the regional level, or transfer to other regions.

INFORM (Technological Education Institute of Kavala)

In conformity with EU initiatives and legislation on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) assessment and implementation monitoring, the project's general objective is to establish a knowledge base for national forest policy development and implementation, based on MCPFE criteria and indicator estimates, including impact assessments on forests related to climate change.

SMARt-CHP (Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

The project will demonstrate an innovative small-scale mobile power-production unit, which will use agricultural residues generated in rural areas, where large amounts of biomass waste are available. The unit consists of a gasification reactor combined with an internal combustion engine, adjusted to work on produced gas for electrical power and heat, and achieving high energy and environmental performance.

INTEGRASTE (Prefecture of Achaia)

The project will demonstrate a prototype plant for the integrated management of agro-industrial wastes. The plant will aim to maximise production of energy from these wastes and will employ optimum processes for aerobic composting or vermicomposting of digested material along with other available agro-wastes.

PURE (Municipal Enterprise for Water & Wastewater of Chersonissos)

The project, in accordance with the principles of the Water Framework Directive, will transform an existing network of pipelines that is currently distributing treated wastewater for irrigation in an uncontrolled fashion, into an upgraded system with 35 km of pipelines, at least three advanced wastewater treatment units, and a complete online monitoring system.

ClimaBiz (Piraeus Bank SA)

The project's main goal is to make businesses aware of the risks and financial impacts of climate change. It will identify and quantify the physical, regulatory and reputational risks in south-eastern Europe arising from climate change, and develop climate risk and climate-adaptation management mechanisms and integrate them into banks' Credit Risk and Business Planning systems.

Forest Cities (Local Union of Municipalities and Town-councils of Attica)

The project's main objectives are to develop a network of Greek local authorities, to analyse existing forest fire prevention measures, and to develop a local action plan and a guide for forest fire prevention.

AdaptFor (The Goulandris Natural History Museum/ Greek Biotope Wetland Centre)

This project aims to demonstrate that forest management can be adapted to climate change, while enhancing the capacity of forest services. The project will also inform all stakeholders why it is necessary to adapt forest management to climate change.

Calchas (Agricultural University of Athens - Chemistry Laboratory)

The project will develop a forest-fire simulation tool which is capable of estimating the evolution of a wild forest fire. It will focus on hazard evaluation, good planning, proper management strategies and co-operation and it will use data on ignition points, real environmental conditions, the vegetation of the area and spatial information as inputs.

BIOFUELS-2G (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH))

This project aims to develop a hydrotreating technology that will run on renewable hydrogen and produce second generation biofuels by recycling used cooking oil from restaurants and homes.

DRYWASTE (National Technical University of Athens)

The DRYWASTE project will develop and demonstrate an innovative, compact and convenient system for the drying organic waste at home. This will reduce the volume of waste at source, without increasing emissions to air, water and soil. It will also lead to the generation of a 'final dry organic waste product', which could have a market value.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (two projects - €3.3 million)


The project aims to close the knowledge gap afflicting Mediterranean forests, and to restore target habitats such as matorrals Juniperus spp. , which was damaged by the major 2008 fire in the Natura 2000 site on Rhodes. In parallel, restoration work will be done in areas with cypress forests (Acero-Cupression) and Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mediterranean pines. Based on its findings, the project will produce a restoration guide for fire-afflicted Mediterranean forests.


This project will use acoustic monitoring to provide baseline information about specific groups of acoustically active biota, and to generate an index of biodiversity based on the complexity of calls recorded within a region. The monitoring stations will be small (< 0.5 m 3 ) and solar powered. The taxonomic groups of interest are stridulating insects, anurans, birds, bats and terrestrial animals in the area of a forest in a Natura 2000 site (Hymettus area with forest Kaisariani and lake Vouliagmeni).

LIFE+ Information and Communication (two projects - € 2.2 million)

INFOIL (Technical University of Crete)

The project will promote sustainable olive oil production and consumption patterns, and will aim to minimise the environmental impacts of olive oil production. A database will be established covering at least 80% of Crete's olive-oil producers. Registered users will be able to participate in an online forum for knowledge exchange.

ProSuDePe (Region of Peloponnese)

This project will contribute to reducing current GHG emissions and in managing future emissions by changing the behaviour of citizens in the Peloponnese regarding sustainable development and environmental protection. It aims to "produce" a generation of citizens who are environmentally-aware when it comes to the themes of energy consumption, waste generation and forests fires.

HUNGARY (four projects - €5.6 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (two projects - €2.9 million)

ISIM-TCC (Iparfejlesztési Kőzalapitvány)

The primary purpose of this project is to assist the EU in reaching targets - set out in the Kyoto Protocol and the Bali climate change meetings - through the application of industrial symbiosis (IS) as an innovative tool for tackling climate change. Other goals are to foster prudent management of natural resources, and to identify the potential for sustainable development of the Hungarian economy.

MEDAPHON (Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

The project's aim is to build and test a prototype for a new environmental monitoring tool for soil - the EDAPHOLOG system. This will measure parameters of the soil biota to assess biological and microbiological activity, ecological degradation and biodiversity from field to landscape level. The aim is to provide detailed, large-scale mapping of soil quality in a rapid and cost-efficient manner.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (two projects - €2.7 million)


The project's main objective is to establish a seed bank for the long-term preservation of seeds of the wild vascular flora of the Pannonian biogeographical region to aid in-situ species' conservation activities. As well as providing increased security in the event of accidental loss or degradation of endangered rare species, the seed bank may provide additional opportunities for monitoring genetic changes in wild populations.

Hungarian Little Plain

The project's overall objective is to manage two Natura 2000 sites in the Little Hungarian Plain - the military practice ranges at Gönyü and Gyorszentiván - to restore degraded habitats (notably, the endangered Pannonic sand habitats) and populations of valuable species and preserve biodiversity. Crucial to this is finding a balance between ongoing military activities and nature conservation needs. Conservation actions will tackle various threats to the habitats, which exist despite military ownership. These include the threat from invasive species, illegal motor sports and waste disposal.

ITALY (40 projects - €92.5 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (24 projects - €63.8 million)

ECORUTOUR (Direzione Generale Attività Produttive, Commercio, Turismo)

The main objectives for this project focus on improving the environmental footprint of tourism businesses located in the rural territories of two nature protected areas of Italy. Tool kits and models of good practices for sustainable rural tourism will be produced for suppliers of tourist services, alongside awareness raising campaigns on CO 2 emissions that are linked to tourism.

VALIRE (Sasil SpA)

The VALIRE project's principle objective is to reduce the environmental impacts from modern waste incinerators by demonstrating alternative uses for glassy combustion residues (slag and fly ash) as raw materials for high value building materials, namely glass wool and glass foams. This will also reduce consumption rates of the raw materials currently used in glass product manufacturing, and so help improve the environmental footprint of Italy's glass sector.


The main objective of this project is to establish a Local Pilot Observatory that will carry out work to help improve energy conservation in Energy Intensive Industries (EII) in order to reduce CO 2 emissions. The observatory's work will include mapping energy conservation opportunities in EII, and also developing options for new policies or governance actions capable of promoting energy conservation and reducing CO 2 emissions in EII.

ACT (Comune di Ancona)

The main objectives of this project focus on developing a process capable of resulting in an effective municipal strategy for local climate change adaptation measures. This will be achieved by involving local stakeholders in a consultation process to help determine proportionate, appropriate and cost-effective measures to be included in the adaptation strategy.

Mo.re. & Mo.re (Regione Lazio)

The main objective for this project is to maximise the share of waste recovery, reuse and recycling in both urban and rural areas of the Lazio region. The project aims to intervene across the whole waste cycle (industrial processes, commercial activities, agriculture, etc.) and to reinsert relevant fluxes of compatible materials present in waste (second life materials) in proximity industries.

H.U.S.H. (Comune di Firenze)

The project aims to harmonise national noise management standards with the European Environmental Noise Directive 49/2002 to obtain homogeneous Noise Action Plans. It will help to transpose, implement and enforce common or harmonised environmental legislation between EU countries.

RELS (Università di Modena e Reggio)

The overall goal of this project is to contribute to the achievement of EU targets on waste management through awareness policies, training, demonstration and innovative actions. The project will design and demonstrate a sustainable, integrated cycle for waste management and develop an energy-recovery plant using state-of-the-art technologies for converting waste into power.

ECOMAWARU (Comune di Varese Ligure)

This project intends to achieve the requalification of the water bodies in Varese Ligure by developing and implementing a phyto-depuration technique which uses micro algae as a tertiary treatment system at two different scales.

RePlaCe (Plastic Metal S.p.A.)

This LIFE Environment project aims to demonstrate that it is possible to use recycled plastic not only for the production of accessory or auxiliary elements, but also structural features. The project will construct a prototype conveyor belt using components made from recycled plastic.

EnvEurope (Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche (CNR), Istituto di Scienze Marine - ISMAR)

The project will develop an integrated management system for ecological data on the status and long-term trends of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystem quality, as well as of habitat types and environmental gradients. This management system will support EU environmental policy and conservation plans in an integrated ecosystem approach.

REWETLAND (Provincia di Latina)

The REWETLAND project aims to contribute to the adoption of integrated strategies for a more sustainable use of water resources in the district of the Pontina Plain by setting up an integrated environmental enhancement programme for the implementation of constructed wetlands (CW) and widespread biofiltering techniques along the reclaimed canals network.

SOILCONS-WEB (Università di Napoli Federico II - Dipartimento di Scienza del Suolo, della Pianta, dell'Ambiente e delle Produzioni Animali (DISSPAPA))

The aim of this project is to develop and implement a web-based tool that can be used to produce detailed spatial documents, reports and maps that, in turn, will support the decisions of stakeholders on soil and landscape conservation.

ENERG-ICE (DOW Italia S.r.l.)

The ENERG-ICE project focuses on reducing the environmental impact of energy-intensive products, such as cold appliances, by taking actions at the design phase, The project will showcase an innovative polyurethane foaming technology for manufacturing the insulation filling of these appliances using cyclopentane as a blowing agent.

Enersludge (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di ricerca sulle Acque)

This project aims to develop a ne w technology for the incineration of sludge produced from the textile industry. It will demonstrate that the system can feasibly produce significant amounts of electrical energy; that ashes produced from sludge incineration are suitable for CO 2 sequestration; and that the system can withstand the thermal shocks that are induced by the frequent shutdowns.

INHABIT (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di ricerca sulle Acque)

The project aims to integrate information on local hydromorphological features into practical measures to improve the reliability of implementation of river basin management plans (RBMPs) in southern Europe. The outcome of the project will serve as a basis for the implementation of RBMPs over larger areas in Italy and, possibly, the whole of Europe.

WOMENBIOPOP (Istituto Superiore di Sanità - Reparto di Chimica Tossicologica, Dipartimento Ambiente e Connessa Prevenzione Primaria)

This project aims to respond to the increasing demand for information on the level of exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) of environmental origin. It will focus on women of reproductive age (20-40 years), whose exposure to POPs will be assessed through biomonitoring and by analysing concentrations in blood samples.

ETRUSCAN (Provincia di Viterbo)

The ETRUSCAN project aims to promote greater use of public transport, increase use of renewable energy in public transport, improve the efficiency of energy use in transport, and promote sustainable tourism. The project will also demonstrate that it is possible to produce energy with local resources close to the place where they are intended for use, by developing short energy supply chains.

COAST-BEST (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Dipartimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e Strade)

The main objective of this project is to preserve the quality of coastal zones through integrated management of sediment from dredging activities in small harours. The integrated management approach is expected to lead to the implementation of a network-based system involving nine small harbours located in the Emilia-Romagna region.

SOILPRO (Consiglio per la Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura)

The SOILPRO project has the overall objective of halting soil degradation in line with the Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection. It will achieve this by developing a web-based application tool (Soil Monitoring Software) that can support local and regional authorities and Member States in their efforts to effectively monitor, identify and assess areas at risk.

UPGAS-LOWCO25 (Università degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di Energetica "Sergio Stecco")

The objective of the project is to reduce the contribution of landfill gas emissions to the greenhouse effect. It will implement two innovative systems for carbon dioxide removal and capture from landfill gas/biogas with the aim of upgrading landfill gas/biogas to the quality of natural gas.

FACTOR 20 (Regione Lombardia - Direzione Generale Reti, Servizi di Pubblica Utilità e Sviluppo Sostenibile)

This project aims to promote an integrated management approach that builds on and improves existing GHG-reduction strategies for local sectors not bound by the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). The project will define a technically-sound tool for promoting local actions towards the contribution of the non-ETS sector to climate change objectives.

SustUse Fumigants (Università di Torino - Centro di Competenza per l'Innovazione in Campo agro-ambientale)

The project aims to demonstrate the environmentally sustainable use of chemical fumigants for the control of soil-borne pathogens in the horticultural sector. It ultimately hopes to reduce fumigant use across Europe by analysing pest constraints in target agro-ecosystems within nine project areas.

COSMOS (Centro Servizi Multisettoriale e Tecnologico)

The overall project objective is to develop a prototype system capable of generating an inert product with good mechanical properties (COSMOS) from fly ash that will be used as a filler in products such as cement, plastics and rubber.

ANTARES (Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri)

This project aims to show which non-testing methods (NTM) can be used to demonstrate compliance with REACH legislation and under what conditions. It seeks to bridge the gap of knowledge on which methods can be used in practice to avoid animal testing.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (14 projects - €26.5 million)


The main objective of this project is to introduce a co-ordinated programme of integrated conservation actions that halt biodiversity loss in Basso Molise. This involves engaging public and private sector stakeholders in efforts to implement a territorial resource management model capable of conserving those agricultural, and semi-natural habitats that support several 'priority for conservation' species.


The main objective of this project is to develop and apply a co-ordinated programme of sustainable conservation measures that protect and manage wolves in the Apennines. This will involve working with local stakeholders to help reduce negative perceptions and direct persecution of wolf populations. Actions will include introducing a standardised damage-compensation-prevention-mitigation assessment system to help reduce conflicts between livestock owners and wolves. Habitat works will also be carried out to reduce a range of natural and human risks to wolf populations.


The main goal of this project is to validate a methodology for monitoring and managing possible environmental effects of genetically modified plants (GMPs) on plant and animal biodiversity. This will involve setting specific protection goals for sensitive or protected areas near genetically modified agro-ecosystems and monitoring any threat caused by the GMPs to the protected sites. The process will help identify optimal operational parameters for the monitoring system, and thus help improve knowledge about how best to manage environmental impacts from genetically modified plants.


The project's main objective is to establish a network of Natura 2000 sites that incorporate the Oristanese humid areas and cover the several 'priority for conservation' habitats included in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. A management plan will be prepared and implemented for the sites that will include measures to support the conservation status of Emys orbicularis , Sterna albifrons and Sterna hirundo .


The DEMETRA project aims to improve co-ordination and harmonisation of GMO monitoring data, with the establishment of a quick monitoring index (QMI) to rapidly assess the potential risk generated by a selected range of transgenic crops in well determined ecosystems or biotopes. The index will take into account the level of risk posed by a range of transgenic crops, and their potential interactions. A GIS tool will be used to monitor and map the level of risk generated by transgenic plants in a given area. A model will be produced capable of monitoring risks from both actual and simulated transgenic crops.


This project aims at protecting and increasing the presence of the crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes through the release of juvenile and mature specimens in 47 Natura 2000 sites in the regions of Lombardia and Abruzzo, the Chieti and Isernia provinces, and Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park. Biogenetic reserves (eight reproductive plants) will be established to ensure the survival of the species against threats such as species isolation and river flow reduction. The project will also develop an agreed regulation at regional and local level for the conservation of the species, in coherence with the aims of the Habitats Directive, and create awareness of the importance of biodiversity and its protection among local stakeholders and communities.

Montecristo 2010

The project aims to eradicate two of the three invasive alien species that are currently impacting local biodiversity on the island of Montecristo - Rattus rattus and Ailanthus altissima . The third alien species, which is closely related to the Wild Goat ( Capra aegagrus ), introduced since pre-Roman times, will be managed to reduce its impact without losing its local presence in the wild, and to protect it from the possible effects of rat poisoning. On Pianosa, also a protected island, although less secluded from human activities, the problem of alien plant species will addressed.


The aim of this project is the conservation and preservation of both habitats and species living on the Natura 2000 site,"Colli Berici".


The main objective of the project is the protection of the habitat caves in the specific context of gypsum karst ecosystems, in the Emilia Romagna region. Among the species linked with these habitats, the project aims to monitor and protect the bat population.


The general objective of this project is to safeguard mountain habitats with beech-silver fir Apennine forest and beech-yew forest, through restoration of the forest ecosystems by low impact techniques that focus on sites where temperature increases and rainfall reduction problems are not foreseen in the short run.


The aim of the ARUPA project is to guarantee the survival and increase the population of some species of amphibians and reptiles in the Gravina di Matera Natura 2000 network site . The project actions will be carried out in one of the most important Italian sites for the following species: Zamenis situla, Triturus carnifex, Triturus vulgaris, and Bombina pachypus .


The main objective of this project is to ensure the long-term conservation of the unique habitats and related species, priority and of community importance, included in one of the biggest SPAs in Italy, and in two pSCIs that are within the Tolfa area.

Fauna di Montenero

The aim of the project is to guarantee the survival of populations of 12 bat and reptile species and to increase the population of Italian tree frog ( Hyla intermedia ), the Italian crested newt ( Triturus carnifex ), the smooth newt ( Triturus vulgaris ) and Hermann's tortoise ( Testudo hermanni ) with the release (from a temporary breeding centre) of tadpoles and juvenile individuals in the Natura 2000 network site, Monte Calvo-Piana di Montenero.


This project aims to protect and increase the availability of resting/breeding sites of cave-dwelling bat species and increase the availability of foraging sites for bat in Tuscany. Moreover, it foresees establishing two Minimum Viable Populations of red kite and a dramatic decrease in the risk of electrocution for that species and other birds of prey listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (two projects - €2.2 million)

WATACLIC (Ambiente Italia S.r.L)

The main objective of the project is to achieve reductions in water and energy consumption within Italian urban areas via a combination of new fiscal and communication tools.

PROMISE (Regione Liguria - Dipartimento Ambiente)

The main aim of the PROMISE project is to reduce the negative environmental impacts of products in Italy, particularly household products and agri-food products. A communication strategy will be designed and implemented covering information campaigns that target producers, retailers, consumers and public authorities.

LATVIA (two projects - €1.4 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (one project - €0.7 million)

HydroClimateStrategyRiga (Riga City Council)

The project will define flood-protection priorities for six flood-risk zones around the city of Riga and for the city as a whole. Measures and activities will be proposed, and their cost-effectiveness assessed. The work will lead to the agreement of a Flood Risk Management Plan for Riga that will recommend protection measures and also necessary changes in the city's planning documents.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (one project - €0.7 million)

Raised bogs

The project's main aim is to secure the most favourable conservation status for the priority active raised bog habitat of the Habitats Directive and raised bog bird species of the Birds Directive. The project will elaborate management plans and regulatory documents for each of four protected nature areas of raised bog habitat covering 4 843 ha, of which 290 ha are degraded areas in critical need of restoration. The plans should be developed with local stakeholder groups and approved by the Ministry of Environment.

THE NETHERLANDS (two projects - €10.8 million)

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (two projects - €10.8 million)

Healthy Heath

The aim of this project is to restore the natural water balance over 1 100 ha of Dwingelderveld, and to transform the Noordenveld. The project will undertake actions including combating dehydration, eutrophication and acidification; enlarging the area of moist heath within the Natura 2000 area; improving the quality of acid fens, active and recovering raised bogs, depression vegetation, and species-rich grasslands; and reducing disruption to the animals and birds characteristic of the area.

The Dutch Crane Resort

The Fochteloërveen nature reserve is a peat bog on the border of the Drenthe and Friesland provinces. This project will target several areas: the Kolonievaart area will be rewetted; water from the Fochteloërveen will be transported through the Kolonievaart to the brook valley of the Slokkert rivulet, improving the water quality in the brook valley; and in the Norger Petgaten and Esmeer areas the water level will be raised. Ditches will be removed and barrages will be placed. Trees will be removed to reduce evaporation, meaning that the water levels in the Stallaan area will become much higher. The present ditches will be removed and dams with barrages will be placed, securing higher water levels.

POLAND (six projects - €12.6 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (two projects - €2.6 million)

EH-REK (Uniwersytet Łódzki - Department of Applied Ecology)

The main goal of this project is to use the concept of ecohydrology to restore the Arturowek reservoirs, which are primarily used for recreational activities by people from the city of Lodz. The reservoirs are located in the northern part of Lodz and comprise three interconnected reservoirs. The bowl of the upper reservoir is currently used as a settling pond. The project aims to convert the upper reservoir into a sedimentation-biofiltration system, while the middle and lower reservoirs will be used for recreational purposes.

EKOROB (Regionalny Zar ząd Gospodarki Wodnej w Warszawie)

The project's main objective is to set up a number of activities for reducing diffuse pollution in the Pilica river basin in central Poland, by means of cost-effective ecohydrological methods that will help achieve the good ecological status of water in the Sulejowski reservoir. Another aim is to prepare a manual for optimum ecotone formation, with special focus on the effectiveness of diffuse pollution removal and enhancement of biodiversity.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (three projects - €8 million)


This project's aim is to reverse the decline and enhance the breeding populations and range of the lesser spotted eagle ( Aquila pomarina ) in the Bialowieza and Knyszynska forests by 2015. This will be done by implementing direct conservation measures, such as restoration of water levels, removal of scrub, installation of artificial perches, re-introduction of grazing and creation of small wetlands.

AQC Plan

The objective of the AQC Plan project is to stabilise the population of greater spotted eagle ( Aquila clanga) in its last remaining breeding area in Poland (Biebrza National Park) by 1) improving and increasing eagle hunting and nesting habitat; and 2) preparing scientific and administrative background/support for continued and effective conservation work - a national action plan.


The overall project objective is to improve the habitat conditions and restrict the succession of undesirable species on selected areas of dry grasslands by active conservation. S pecific project objectives are: the reintroduction of traditional agriculture (mainly extensive grazing) on parts of the targeted habitat, to ensure its lasting and effective conservation; enhancing biodiversity on the project's sites by forming a dynamic mosaic of the habitats; and ensuring that sufficient know-how exists in Poland to enable the conservation of these complex dry grasslands.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (one project - €2 million)

FORESTFIRE (Dyrekcja Generalnych Lasów Państwowych)

This project aims to reduce the risk of forest fires caused by human activity. It aims to raise awareness of forest fire prevention among rural residents and people using forests for recreational purposes. Foreseen activities include the implementation of a media campaign addressed to rural residents and society at large in regional media, as well as forest fire prevention training.

PORTUGAL (three projects - €4.4 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (one project - €0.8 million)

WW4ENVIRONMENT (Instituto Superior Técnico)

The project aims to implement a tool for optimising the management of wastewater treatment facilities, using operational data to determine and minimise energy consumption and carbon footprint. It will then develop a full-scale demonstration facility that maximises biogas production whilst minimising sludge production and its carbon footprint.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (one project - €2.6 million)

Habitat Lince Abutre

The main goal of this project is to enhance the suitable habitat for the establishment of resident and breeding populations of Iberian lynx and black vulture and improving their conservation status, in the Natura 2000 network sites of Moura/Barrancos, Vale do Guadiana and Caldeirão.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (one project - €1 million)

EEFOREST (Município de Tavira)

The EEFOREST project aims to reduce forest fires in the Tavira municipality by increasing the efficiency of forest awareness campaigns for different target groups. The beneficiary will carry out an overall assessment, characterising the municipality of Tavira and its different target groups. This will inform the theoretical definition of methodological approaches to awareness-raising aimed at maximising their effectiveness with different groups.

ROMANIA (five projects - €5.9 million)

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (four projects - €4.6 million)


This project aims to promote a friendly cohabitation of bears and people in the mountainous counties of Vrancea, Covasna and Harghita. The project will demonstrate techniques for keeping bears away from crops and livestock without harming them. It will also introduce a "bear friendly" ecolabel that will highlight the use of forest products collected or processed in a manner that does not threaten the life of the bears. The project will also establish active protection of hibernation dens from highly disturbing human activities, such as logging, by banning these activities at critical periods of time. A further aim is the implementation of an Animal Rescue Mobile Unit to will save snare-trapped and poached bears.


The main objective is to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for 22.2% of the EU's Aquila pomarina population. This goal will be reached through stabilising the population numbers and ensuring conditions to maintain a favourable conservation status in the long-term in Romania. Towards this aim, a buffer zone system will be developed and implemented in co-operation with forest owners and/or managers to protect the nesting area, ultimately leading to the long-term stabilisation of currently threatened nests. Artificial nests in sensitive areas in key sites will be built where necessary.

SFC Calimani-Gurghiu

This project aims to restore the bushes of Pinus mugo and Rhododendron myrtifolium and the alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior in the Calimani and Gurghiu mountains in central Romania. It also targets the restoration of Nardus grasslands in this alpine area.


The project aims to support the long-term conservation of the bat population by increasing public awareness and creating an expert network in Pădurea Craiului, Bihor and the Trascău Mountains in Western Romania. Long-term monitoring of the bat population is also planned. As a ground for achieving these objectives, data concerning all aspects of bat activity will be gathered: roost sites used at different times of the year, foraging habitats, connectivity structures used during flights between shelters and feeding areas, and migration routes.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (one project - €1.3 million)

GREEN-PRO (University of Bacau)

The main objective of the GREEN-PRO project is to conduct an awareness-raising campaign, in order to promote the production and consumption of green products - those products that conform to the EU ecolabel scheme and other environmental protection related

tools and initiatives (e.g. EMAS, Energy Star, Carbon Neutral). This will also be achieved by increasing the recognisability of green products and by proving financial and environmental benefits.

SLOVAKIA (three projects - €6.1 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (one project - €1.4 million)


The CHEFUB project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission through the creation and introduction of innovative elements in biomass processing and heating production. The project aims to produce some 2 000 tonnes/yr of high quality pellets from wood waste by which, in turn, will bring a reduction in CO 2 production of some 3 500 tonnes/yr.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (one project - €3.6 milion)


The general objective of the project is to improve the recently unfavourable conservation status of the Mehely's root vole, Microtus oeconomus mehelyi . The project will develop a strategic basis for the successful recovery of this endangered species by restoring and improving habitats on selected sites. The entire population of the subspecies is found in a small area of the western part of Pannonian lowland, a habitat that in recent years has become heavily fragmented leaving the subspecies susceptible to extinction.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (one project - €1.1 million)

WATLIFE (Vyskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva)

In order to prevent degradation of water resources, the project will focus on changing common water use practices in Slovakia, which are inefficient and polluting. This change will be achieved through greater awareness of the importance of water among the public and various stakeholders. The sustainable use of water sources is one of the aims of the Water Framework Directive.

SLOVENIA (one project - €1 million)

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (one project - €1 million)


The goal of this project is to facilitate long-term conservation of wolves, their prey base and their habitats in Slovenia. It will attempt to take human attitudes towards the wolves into account in order to overcome any apparent conflicts through a Wolf Management Action Plan. The project will aim to provide accurate scientific information on the wolf through a specific national wolf-surveillance system.

SPAIN - (36 projects - €64.1 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (26 projects - €42.5 million)

JEREZ + natural (Ayuntamiento de Jerez de la Frontera)

This project aims to develop a new management model of urban green areas that will integrate the use of management and maintenance processes and tools, environmentally friendly treatments and tree regeneration techniques for endangered species and participation processes aimed at disseminating information on the importance of urban green areas as a city heritage. The model will produce a large number of benefits such as temperature moderation, noise abatement and improvement of air quality.

AQUAVAL (Ayuntamiento de Xàtiva)

Runoff from conventional drained areas causes environmental damage because of the heavy discharges of pollutants in water courses and the physical impact of higher flows. The principal aim of this project is to introduce the use of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) to the municipalities of Xativa and Benaguasil, because wastewater from these towns overflows every year from a combined sewer system, thus reducing the water quality of receiving water courses.

Las Rozas por el clima (Ayuntamiento de Las Rozas de Madrid)

The project will aim to apply and evaluate methods of municipal management for climate change, assessing their cost-effectiveness whilst meeting the goals for reducing greenhouse gases (GHG). An action plan to combat climate change will be adopted and new regulations for protecting the atmosphere, municipal planning of green spaces, parks and public gardens will be endorsed. A set of incentives and methods to encourage the involvement of businesses and commercial sectors in combating climate change will also be developed.


This project's main objective is to promote the sustainable management of traffic in the city of Salamanca by using air-quality sensors, together with prediction models. The objective will be met by developing and implementing the "instrumented city" concept (a transport-related database facility used for various real-time applications). Applying this concept, the project will help to design a new Urban Traffic Management and Control (UTMC) strategy focusing on the prevention of regular periods of high pollution from urban traffic.

ALICCIA (Diputación Provincial De Sevilla)

The project's overall aim is to help comply with the Kyoto Protocol targets by easing the management of all related climate change policies at a local level. A control centre for climate change will be created and it will be responsible for capacity-building among relevant technicians and decision makers. A series of action plans to reduce greenhouse gases will also be implemented in four pilot municipalities, where a warning system (SAK) will be developed as a tool to control and manage the different variables that influence climate change locally.

P.A.A.S.A. CUENCA (Ayuntamiento de Cuenca)

Although the city of Cuenca does not fall under the category of 'agglomerations with more than 250 000 residents' that are required to adopt a strategic noise map as foreseen by the EU's Environmental Noise Directive ( 2002/49/EC), this project nevertheless aims to reduce noise pollution in Cuenca through the use of the ‘LOCALGIS' software tool (a land information tool). The tool will be linked to the city's noise map which will enable municipal units to adopt noise management plans and monitor noise complaints.

METABIORESOR (Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario)

This project will implement innovative technologies and methods for the treatment of waste materials and by-products generated by municipalities and livestock activities. A biomethanation pilot plant will be developed for converting the organic matter present in the waste into biogas, whereas digestates, another product of the biomethanation process, will be used for generating energy. The whole process will reduce waste quantities by 99%.

ENSAT (CETaqua - Centro Tecnológico del Agua)

The ENSAT project's overall aim is to demonstrate the application of a well-established technology for aquifer remediation, such as the use of reactive barriers to enhance the degradation of recalcitrant compounds, but it an innovative way: for ‘soil aquifer treatment (SAT)' during aquifer recharge episodes with reclaimed water, or low quality river water.

GREENLYSIS (CETaqua - Centro Tecnológico del Agua)

The GREENLYSIS project aims to demonstrate a new technology for wastewater treatment plants that involves separating water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. Oxygen released from the water during electrolysis will be pressurised and used to purify the waste stream. Hydrogen produced by the electrolysis will be collected and used to power the treatment plant.

PARK RENOVA (Ayuntamiento de Huesca)

The aim of this project is to create self-sufficient energy supplies for the Huesca solid urban waste landfill facility, by introducing a new technology that captures and converts methane produced within the municipal landfill into power for the landfill's operations. Additional alternative energy sources (wind and solar) will be adopted and further environmental gains will be secured by replanting closed landfill sections with trees.

FAROS (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)

The FAROS project seeks to develop and implement an efficient network for managing discards and by-catch products. The network will integrate key stakeholders from Spain's fishing industry within core objectives of: minimising discards/by-catch quantities that reach the ports; and optimising valorisation of discards/by-catch to produce chemicals of interest for the food and pharmaceutical industries.

POWER (Fundación San Valero)

The POWER project aims to implement monitoring devices to improve the water savings and potential energy savings derived from the use of efficient water management models. It will achieve this by applying leak detectors with probes at various soil depths and by using new methods to calculate hydric needs according to phenological cycles and real climate conditions.

LIFE+AGRICARBON (Asociación Española Agricultura de Conservación / Suelos Vivos)

This project aims to encourage the progressive establishment of sustainable agricultural techniques to new climatic conditions resulting from global warming. The research will assess CO 2 emissions and energy consumption on farms based on climatic characteristics, type of crops, and type of farming.

RESALTTECH (Associación de Investigación de las Industrias del Curtido y Anexas)

The RESALTTECH project will design and construct a new prototype for the paper industry aimed at closing the water system loop, in order to turn the residual flow (brine) into a by-product.

FENIX (Escola Superior de Comerç Internacional)

The main objective of this project is to create a user-friendly and flexible software tool for easily obtaining environmental lifecycle assessment (LCA) results on packaging waste management. It is designed to assist local and regional waste managers to look for more eco-efficient and sustainable solutions for packaging waste management.

ZERO-HYTECHPARK (Fundación para el Desarrollo de Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno en Aragón)

The objective of the project is to design buildings using hydrogen as an energy carrier in the Walqa Technology Park. The project aims to design a complete energy accumulation system using renewable hydrogen obtained through water electrolysis and subsequent storage of the hydrogen produced.

GREEN COMMERCE (Conselleria de Industria, Comercio e Innovación)

The main aim of the Green Commerce project is to provide the retail sector with information, access to knowledge and research and technology on new environmental management systems. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the 3.5 million retailers possess the methodology to voluntarily start their own " green policy".

HAproWINE (Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León)

The overall purpose of this project is to reduce the environmental impact of the wine sector, by integrating waste management and lifecycle assessment tools into the industry. The project also aims to create a certification scheme to help consumers make more environmentally friendly choices.

SHOELAW (Asociación de Investigación para la Industria del Calzado (INESCOP))

The SHOELAW project's main objective is to develop an e-platform for environmental self-diagnosis aimed at footwear companies in five European countries. The e-platform, which will eventually be extended to other EU countries, will promote compliance with environmental legislation among European footwear companies.

ECO-VITRUM-TRC (Diputación Provincial de Valencia)

The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the possibility of applying a new integrated management model for televisions and computer monitors with cathode ray tubes that enables their reuse as raw material for the development of new products. The project also aims to provide support for municipalities involved in WEEE management.

BOATCYCLE (Diputación Provincial de Valencia)

The main objective of the BOATCYCLE project is to reduce the impact of the boat industry on the environment through the development of ways to treat boats as waste, both at management and waste recovery level. Sustainable production of boats based on an LCA approach and Eco-design will be tested and promoted.

Waste Joint Management (Consorci de la Zona Fraca de Barcelona)

This project focuses on minimising the environmental impact of waste that is inappropriately or inadequately treated by encouraging best practices and best available techniques. This should also result in a substantial reduction in CO 2 emissions associated with the collection and transport of waste.

LIFE+Ecoedición (Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junat de Andalucía)

This project will promote the inclusion of sustainability requirements in the publishing market; increase efficiency in the management of financial and material resources by adjusting the number of publications to actual needs; and encourage more citizens to demand publications that are produced sustainably.

ICEJET (Fundación Fatronik)

The main objective of the project is to develop a pilot plant that will demonstrate the technical feasibility of a technology that uses ice particles made from running water or freshwater to cut material, thus reducing the amount of waste generated by the Abrasive Water Jetting processes.

ECO-STONE (Asociación de Investigacíon de Industrias de la Construcción)

The project will implement a sustainable system for the production and use of natural stone, by using the best available techniques and products. The project is focused on optimising the use of natural resources and raw materials; optimising energy consumption in the production chain; and encouraging architects to using multifunctional natural stone-based materials that are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

OXATAN (Asociación de Investigación para la Industria del Calzado - INESCOP)

The main objective of the OXATAN project is to demonstrate, promote and disseminate the innovative oxazolidine (chrome-free) tanning technology in tanneries, as well as the tanning procedures associated with the use of this new technology in order to promote the use of environmentally friendly leathers in the footwear and upholstery industries.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (8 projects - €19.2 million)

Estuarios del Pais Vasco

The main project objective focuses on regenerating habitats of community interest after alien plant species removal, in order to facilitate improved nesting, sheltering and migration conditions for priority bird species.. This project aims to restore 314ha of estuarine Natura 2000 sites (Urdaibai, Lea and Txingudi) in the Basque Country and to avoid that other estuaries may also degrade. The project will also develop a global action framework for potential recovery in the Basque Country.

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This project aims to achieve a significant reduction in illegal poison incidents affecting protected species in Spain. Priority species targeted by the project include the Spanish imperial eagle, the lammergeier vulture, the red kite and the Egyptian vulture (including the Canary Islands subspecies). The project will cover nine Autonomous Communities and will develop new actions plans and protocols (or update existing ones) to fight against poison in the regions concerned. Options for alternatives to poison in agricultural activities, the creation and training of specialised poison patrols and empowering civil society to fight against poisoning cases in court are also foreseen.


The main objective of this project is to gain sufficient understanding about blooms of potentiql invasive species Carybdea marsupialis in order to help develop measures capable of mitigating negative impacts from the jellyfish on Mediterranean marine ecosystems in Europe. This Caribbean jellyfish invasion was detected for the first time in Spanish waters in the summer of 2008. There are concerns that climate change may be affecting spatial dynamics and population behaviour in the Mediterranean. In addition, the project expects to obtain sufficient information to restore 120 ha of a marine coastal habitat that has been invaded by C. marsupialis and remove more than 70% of adult population.


This project aims to improve the conservation status of steppe-land birds in Andalusia. Priority species for the project's support include: great bustard, little bustard, Montagu's harrier, stone curlew, black-bellied sand grouse, collared pratincole, European roller and little kestrel. Actions will be designed to provide food and shelter, reduce mortality risks, increase awareness about conservation considerations, and introduce technology to improve/implement plans for the management of these endangered species. For these purposes, the project aims to introduce farming and agrarian practices that allow the coexistence between the productive activity and the steppe-birds, paying special attention to the diversification of agricultural landscape. Closely involvement of farmers' organisations is foreseen.


The main focus for this project is the recovery of at least 75ha of riparian habitats in the river Ter area, especially the alluvial forests with alders and willows, and temporary Mediterranean ponds. Works will cover habitat restoration actions supported by complementary measures to manage development pressures affecting the target sites.


This project seeks to support the conservation status of saproxylic beetle populations in Gipuzkoa pollarded trees, particularly the priority species Osmoderma eremita and Rosalia alpina . This will be achieved by improving the availability and quality of habitats for saproxylic choleopter populations in Gipuzkoa forests. The project has benefited from the information and experience gained in LIFE III project "LIC Aiako Harria" which evidenced the close relation between pollarded trees and biodiversity of saproxylic species. This new project also aims to guarantee the long-term presence of pollarded trees in Gipuzkoa, as a valuable element for the conservation of different species of community interest.


The project's main objective is to reduce at least 65 per cent of residual silt discharges in the Torrevieja coastal lake and restore priority habitats, such as the Audouin seagull nesting area, in order to strengthen local biodiversity.


The main objectives of this project are to stabilise species and habitats of Community Interest in the Natura 2000 Network site at "Estany de Banyoles". Actions will aim to control invasive species and strengthen the conservation status of Emys orbicularis , M auremys leprosa , Barbus meridionalis and Unio elongatulus .

LIFE+ Information and Communication (two projects - €2.3 million)

OMONTEVIVO (Dirección Xeral de Montes, Xunta de Galicia)

The project will develop and implement an awareness-raising and educational campaign on forest fire prevention. This will focus on the safe use of fire, and on awareness of the value of forests. The concrete objectives of the project are: To change citizens' behaviour by promoting active participation and encouraging co-responsibility of citizens in the protection of forests; to reduce the number of forest fires caused by humans, both intentionally and negligently; and to train the region's forest agents, improving their capacity to prevent forest fires.

COR (Barcelona Metropolitan Area Environmental Authority)

This project aims to promote in Barcelona understanding of the concept of the 'European recycling society', which underpins the revised Waste Framework Directive. This awareness-raising effort will also support the objectives of Barcelona Metropolitan Area's Metropolitan Programme of Municipal Waste Management (PMGRM) 2009/2016.

SWEDEN (eight projects - €27.8 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (three projects - €5.9 million)

CLEANTRUCK (City of Stockholm - Environment and Health Administration)

The objective of the project is to demonstrate the commercial and technical viability of alternative fuels and new technologies for goods distribution vehicles. It will construct filling pumps for the alternative fuels ethanol ED95 and biomethane, filling stations for CO 2 for use as a refrigerant and mobile stations for N 2 to inflate tyres.

WEBAP (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd)

This project aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility of using a wave-powered device - WEBAP - for the aeration of coastal zones and open seas suffering oxygen depletion. The pump exclusively uses the natural resources of oxygen-rich surface water and wave energy to improve the oxygen situation in hypoxic bottom water layers by enhanced ventilation and mixing.

ITEST (Municipality of Oskarshamn)

The project aims to demonstrate an innovative technical solution to sewage treatment, based on heat exchange. It is hoped this will solve treatment problems incurred by regions with a cold winter climate: cold weather impedes the effective biological conversion of different nitrogen species to elemental nitrogen, thus contributing to nitrogen-based pollution of lakes and seas.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (five projects - €21.9 million)


The overall aim of the project is to apply a best practice methodology to provide data for the reliable assessment of the distribution and habitats of the Baltic Sea subpopulation of harbour porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ). This should enable the designation of sites of Community importance (SCIs) for the endangered species within the Natura 2000 network, and also provide other relevant mitigation measures.

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This project aims to preserve valuable grasslands and their associated flora and fauna. The overriding objective is to restore the meadows, pastures and wetland meadows in 62 Natura 2000 sites in Jämtland, Gävleborg, Värmland and Dalarna County. These grasslands all need to be maintained through grazing or cutting, the continuation and intensity of which are crucial for their protection and the good conservation status of the species they harbour. In total, the area of grassland being cleared or restored is almost 630 ha.


The objective of this demonstration project is to develop a cost-effective national monitoring system adapted for northern European conditions that will directly be applicable to use by he European Commission in the implementation of the Habitats Directive.

The project will show how auxiliary information can be used in connection with random sampling to improve the accuracy of the habitat assessments for sparse habitats as well. It will also show how the habitat monitoring system can be integrated in the framework of existing landscape level monitoring programmes that exist today in many European countries.

Vindel River Life

The general objective of the project is to achieve a good water status for the Vindel river with reference to the Water Framework Directive, and a good conservation status for the species in the project area (under the Habitats Directive). This will be achieved by reducing or removing obstructions on 22 tributaries of the Vindel. By the end of the project, 73% of obstructions to the natural river flow will have been removed and the conservation status of the river system should be considerably increased. Certain constructions built for the former timber floating activities will be kept for their heritage value.

Life to ad(d)mire

This project aims to halt the decrease of bogs and mires habitats and their species at 35 Natura 2000 sites in over 3 852 ha through hydrological restoration and vegetation measures. Without the project measures this decrease would be inevitable in the long term. One positive side-effect is that the current loss of CO 2 (caused by drainage of peat) will stop, and, hopefully, most of the hydrologically restored active bogs' sites will become carbon sinks just as they once were. The project also aims to disseminate information on wetland ecology and the importance of mires to the public and to management staff and landowners.

UNITED KINGDOM (seven projects - €17 million)

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (two projects - €4.7 million)

REACH for Polymers (Rapra Limited)

The ‘REACH for Polymers' project aims to increase the knowledge base of the European polymer industry, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises, by applying new techniques, technologies, instruments and methods that offer environmental as well as economic advantages to the industry when complying with the REACH regulation. The main objective is to create a REACH toolkit for the European polymer industry, and to disseminate this widely.

EPOW (The Environment Agency of England and Wales)

The overall project objective is to demonstrate how EU regions can develop and introduce successful programmes that lead to zero waste to landfill in their region. The project aims to develop a recycling society with a high level of resource efficiency in the South East of England, while also ensuring, by working with other EU regions, that project outcomes are relevant and replicable to other Member States.

LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity (four projects - €10.6 million)


This project aims to establish a functional, efficient and sustainable infrastructure for water management and control of the coastal lagoons at Havergate Island and the coastal lagoons and marshes at Orford Ness. Moreover, the project plans to carry out sustainable habitat management, targeting breeding bird species and habitats listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. Such measures will include the creation of new breeding sites and predation and disturbance protection, and improvements to existing sites and habitats. The beneficiary also intends to improve the visitor experience at both of the sites and to disseminate the project results to a wide European audience of site managers, ecologists and the general public.


This project plans to restore the hydrological sources in the upper Irfon catchment (mid-Wales) by land purchase, removal of conifers, infilling of drains and adding lime (ground limestone at 20-40 tonnes/ha). These actions will serve to ameliorate the effect of acid runoff; to restore and enhance the wildlife of 30 km of rivers by excluding livestock and reducing the shade from riparian woodlands; and to help conserve the following Annex II of the Habitats Directive species: white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes ) and freshwater pearl-mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera ).


The project is taking place on the South Pennine Moors special area of conservation (SAC).

Its main purpose is to protect the 1 600 ha of active blanket bog by reducing erosion on adjacent degraded peatland. To achieve this, the project aims to restore 862 ha of active blanket bog through stabilisation, diversification and gully blocking. To ensure the future sustainability of the blanket bog, the project also aims to carry out wildfire mitigation actions while also raising public awareness of wildfire risk and restoration.

Scottish machair

The project's overall aim is to secure and improve the conservation status of 70% of the world's machair habitat and its associated species by implementing and demonstrating sustainable management methods that optimise the conservation interest and are compatible with local agricultural practices. The project will target machair habitat on three SACs and aims to secure the conservation of associated bird species in 10 machair SPAs - this covers a total area of over 23 000 ha. The project will bring 3 200 ha of machair habitat into favourable condition and improve the conservation status of the Annex I-listed species, corncrake and chough, and the regularly occurring migratory species, dunlin and ringed plover.

LIFE+ Information and Communication (one project - €1.7 million)

Birds Directive (RSPB)

The project aims to engage directly with general public and more specifically with farmers through on-farm bird surveys, a network of demonstration farms and a Biodiversity Award scheme, in order to raise awareness of the EU Birds Directive and promote positive land management. The objective is to create a positive profile for the Birds Directive among participating farmers and members of their local communities, as well as more widely among farmers and the public, through and media activities highlighting the importance of protecting both rare and widespread farmland birds.

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